Frequently Asked Questions

Q.How to e-sign the bio-data and is it necessary to e-sign the bio-data submitted?

Ans. A user can e-sign his/her bio-data by using his Aadhar Number. The user will get an OTP on the Aadhar registered mobile number. Please ensure that you have mobile number registered with your Aadhar number prior to e-sign. Alternatively, the user can use Mobile OTP Verification mechanism for verifying / authenticating their application. An OTP is sent to registered mobile number of applicants. When the user enters the OTP his/her application is submitted through OTP verification.

Q.What are the detailed steps for Submitting Biodata online?
Q.Which browser to use for e-signing?

Ans. It is recommended that applicant may use Mozilla Firefox browser for accessing and e-signing, although it also works with chrome & Internet Explorer (Intermittent errors are observed with these browsers).

Q.What if email provided on the registration form has been misspelt?

Ans. Go to Edit my biodata section for updating using the Candidate ID.

Q.How is Candidate ID allotted to the user?

Ans. A At the time of Candidate Registration system generated unique Candidate ID is sent to registered email id of the applicant. Therefore, please ensure to submit correct email address and mobile number during registration process.

Q.How the user can Add / Edit information?

Ans. The user at any time can add/ edit the information by logging into the application using the Candidate ID, Mobile Number & Date of Birth.

Q.What happens after the successful submission of biodata?

Ans. After successful submission of the bio-data, an email & SMS will be sent to the applicant confirming successful submission of bio-data. However, the bio-data will be accepted for further process only after DPE has approved the same. Applicant will receive email & SMS confirming the acceptance.