1. Visit https://dpebod.gov.in and click on the link NOD Applicant.
2. Click on Candidate Registration for online submission of bio-data for NOD databank.
3. The Candidate has to e-Sign the bio-data only after its completion in all respect.
4. The Candidate has to ensure that they have generated a VID (Virtual ID) from UIDAI website https://resident.uidai.gov.in/vid-generationas VID is required for e-Signing.
5.Please read the instructions (*) given below and follow the steps involved for successfully e-Signing the bio-data.
6. For any kind of help related to e-Sign please contact us at 011- 24366247 or send us an email to kailash.bhandari@nic.in.
7. *Steps to be followed e-signing the PE Survey data:-
* Visit https://dpebod.gov.in application,Please Select ‘NoD Applicant’
* Click on ‘Candidate Registration‘
* After submitting the complete bio-data (Part-I, Part II & Declaration), click on the button ‘Final Submission & Proceed for e-Sign’ for e-Signing
* Enter your name and give your consent by selecting the checkbox, A popup window will appear to click the button ‘Submit for e-Signing’.
* Enter your VID (Virtual ID of your Aadhar No.). In case VID is not created already then click on ‘Get Virtual ID’ and you will be redirected to the UIDAI website for VID creation. Upon submitting the required details (Aadhar no. & OTP) on UIDAI website and VID will be send to the Aadhar registered mobile number.Please keep the VID of your Aadhar no. in safe custody for future use.
* Please enter of your VID, Click on ‘Submit’ button, after successfully e-Signing you will be redirected back to the DPEBOD application where you can download the e-signed bio-data in PDF.
If you will select Authentication through Mobile OTP (Proceed for OTP verification through mobile based authentication) the following window will be opened
Please enter the OTP received on your Mobile number. Once you will enter the OTP and click on submit. Your information which you have submitted will be opened.